Maintenance is one of the most common issues in disputes related to marriage. Generally, in the matrimonial cases, maintenance is sought by wives mostly as they are dependent upon their husbands for their financial needs. The law is sometimes misused by wives for no other reason to harass their husbands or just to spite them. Though the law has been explained, there are some confusion regarding the same, such as if maintenance could still be demanded by a wife who is earning and is thus independent. If you have a similar situation, it is advised to seek the advice of an experienced Family Lawyers In Kolkata so as to understand the legal provisions in more detail.
What role does the income of wives play while deciding the maintenance case?
The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, in the case of Sunita Kachwaha v Anil Kachwaha, held the following conditions necessary for granting the claim of maintenance under Section 125 of the CrPC-
Also, the Apex Court observed that just because the wife is earning some money, doesn’t debar her from claiming maintenance from her husband.
Earning capacity of wife-
As decided by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Shalija & Ors. v Khobbanna, that ‘capable of earning’ and ‘actually earning’ are two different concepts and just because the wife earns money is not a sufficient reason for the courts to reduce the maintenance awarded to her.
In case the wife earns more than her husband-
In the case of Amit Kumar v Navjot Dubey, the high Court of Punjab and Haryana refused to quash the judgment given by the lower court to provide interim maintenance to the wife, even though she was earning more than her husband, but she was also taking care of her two children.
As could be inferred from the above-mentioned article, there is no law which states that if a wife is earning, she cannot seek maintenance from her husband. It depends on the various facts of different cases, such as if the earning capacity of the wife is sufficient for her maintenance. In case you wish to file for maintenance, it is advised to seek legal opinion of an experienced Family Lawyers In Mumbai, so as to have a better understanding of your case.
Similarly, in case your wife with sufficient earning capacity has filed a suit for maintenance, it is advised to seek legal guidance from an experienced Family Lawyers In Lucknow for representing you. Lead India offers you a team of experienced advocates successfully handling maintenance cases, in case you seek legal opinion or assistance for the same, you may contact us.
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