The dispute amongst family members for family property is common in the society. It is human nature to earn more money as in the present times, money and wealth are necessary for a better life, which could sometimes lead to rifts and property disputes amongst siblings or other blood relatives. For a settlement outside the court or to have your issues sorted through the involvement of court, you could decide it after a thorough consultation with an experienced Family Lawyers In Hyderabad, thus it is advised to seek the advice of a professional before taking any decision as not only the property, but family relations are also at stake.
Family Settlement: Property disputes amongst the family members may start from verbal abuse and may sometimes lead to bloodshed. When a dispute for property arises, family members could approach the court to sort out the issues, however court cases generally take years to come to fruition, people in some cases spend almost half of their life waiting for the court’s judgment.
However, sometimes the family members are not in the favor of dragging their family members to court and may try to either solve the issues through settlement. A settlement is an agreement amongst the family members by which they distribute the property with mutual consent.
Kinds of property-
Division of property by settlement agreement-
A dispute could arise in a family regarding the division of family for various reasons, generally to solve a family dispute the members of the family agree to mutually divide the family property.
Settlement of the property generally depends on how they wish to execute it. The most important thing to keep in mind while dividing the property is that the division should be done with good faith and free consent.
When family members do not agree for property settlement-
Validity of property settlement-
Advantages of property settlement-
It could be inferred from the above article that, wrong settlement is not the only reason for a property dispute. But, in some cases, a family dispute could be the reason for partition in the family. As there are various members in a joint family, their views and intentions could not be similar to every member of the family, thus, some differences are bound to happen, to save the relations amongst the family or to have a peaceful atmosphere amongst the family members, sometimes the family could opt for a division.
While in some other cases, the differences amongst the family members are so deep that they are not in a position to live peacefully with each other, thus it is advised to settle their disputes through mutual agreement. An experienced Family Lawyers In Banglore could guide you through the legal options available as well as the provisions for the division of property as per the inheritance law.
Lead India offers you a wide pool of experienced advocates who have been successfully dealing with legal issues related to civil issues including inheritance laws, property division, partition etc. for legal advice and assistance you may contact us.
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